Informed Birth for the Savvy Woman; feel good about your birth how ever your baby arrives
More About The Birth Course
Being savvy and understanding your options means that you are in charge and responsible for what happens during your birth.
At each step along the way, you will know you have made the best choice and, you will feel good about it.
This course will teach you a series of questions to ask when at a turning point in your birth to ensure that the options given – and reasons for them – are fully understood.
You will understand when intervention is necessary and you’ll know what questions to ask if you are not sure it is the best choice for you and your baby.
We’ll equip you with a thorough understanding of what intervention is possible and the risks and benefits. This will set you up to make an informed decision using up to date research so you can be certain that you have made the best choice.
Then, you can feel good about your birth, no matter how your baby arrives.
You’ll know that you understood your options and chose the best one for yourself and your baby. You’ll comprehend what you could and could not change. It will be your choice.
An informed birth by a savvy woman. Now, how good will that feel.
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In a hospital environment during birth often your primary carer changes; your obstetrician is busy, on holiday, with another patient. Your midwife happens to be rostered off so you are paired with another within her team, maybe someone you have never met. You don’t have a primary carer and receive whomever is rostered on in the hospital. Or, you’re at the hospital so long your midwife has to go home to rest (this happened to us) and you are assigned someone else half way through.
With the constant change of medical professionals that are assisting you, can you rely on them to take in all the factors to consider regarding your options?
They may be missing some important details about your unique situation and how you would like your birth to be.
You need to be savvy and informed so you can participate and contribute in the decision making. Knowledge is power, being savvy about birth means you will have something to say, something to share.
We have done the research for you.
This course will help you understand each intervention option so you can see how it fits with your health profile and birthing history.
You can participate in making a decision knowing all the facts and assisting the medical professionals in giving you the best chance of having the birth you want.
Then, you can feel good about your birth, no matter how your baby arrives.
A Savvy Birth Starts Here!
“There is an esoteric secret to Yoga to receive its many wonderful gifts. You already do Yoga! You practice in the way that is right for you – actually, naturally and non obsessively until there is no issue. It’s just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower – daily and no big deal. Yet we have an inbuilt resistance to practicing and overcoming obstacles to life. Please read Kara-Leah’s book because she will help you through this and initiate you into daily practice. You will become a Yogi and dive deep into your intimate life in every way.”~ Mark Whitwell author, Yoga of Heart and The Promise of Love, Sex, and Intimacy
“Forty Days of Yoga is absolutely brilliant. It is a powerful crystalizing of Kara-Leah’s accumulated experience of flourishing her own practice in the reality of day-to-day life, complete with so many of the common challenges. The worksheets are a fantastic way for readers to put the wisdom shared in the narrative of the book into immediate action. I love that the whole reading experience feels just like sitting down to a cup of tea with KL. And that is a treat indeed!” ~ Kelly Fisher, Wellington, NZ
“Forty Days of Yoga is a powerful resource for anyone interested in committing to a home yoga practice. Drawing from her years of experience, Kara-Leah beautifully shines a light on all the myriad obstacles, internal and external, that one can face when undertaking a self-directed practice while living an ordinary life in the world. Packed full of ingeniously practical worksheets and examples from Kara-Leah’s own life, this book invites one inwards to reflect honestly and creatively on one’s own process and aspirations. And it is all done in a wonderfully holistic, all-inclusive way, so that one’s whole life becomes part of the solution, rather than being seen as a ‘problem’. I highly recommend this beautiful book!” ~ Peter Fernando, Insight meditation teacher and creator of A Month of Mindfulness online course.
About Lori-Ellen and Lez
Lez & Lori-Ellen have supported women with fertility, birth preparation and post-natal care for a combined 30 years. This body of experience has exposed them to the major themes that many women experience in birth. This has inspired them to create this course and make sure women blah blah blah
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I’ve already got books showing me how to practice yoga - why is this one different?
This book doesn’t have any instruction on how to practice asana (postures), pranayama (breathwork) or meditation. It’s designed to take you on a psychological process that will shift your mindset so you can use those other books you’ve already spent money on. It’s the perfect companion for those books because instead of them gathering dust on your bookshelf, Forty Days of Yoga helps you work out why you’re not using them and shares tips and tricks for getting the most out of your yoga resources.
I’ve already got books showing me how to practice yoga - why is this one different?
This book doesn’t have any instruction on how to practice asana (postures), pranayama (breathwork) or meditation. It’s designed to take you on a psychological process that will shift your mindset so you can use those other books you’ve already spent money on. It’s the perfect companion for those books because instead of them gathering dust on your bookshelf, Forty Days of Yoga helps you work out why you’re not using them and shares tips and tricks for getting the most out of your yoga resources.
I’ve already got books showing me how to practice yoga - why is this one different?
This book doesn’t have any instruction on how to practice asana (postures), pranayama (breathwork) or meditation. It’s designed to take you on a psychological process that will shift your mindset so you can use those other books you’ve already spent money on. It’s the perfect companion for those books because instead of them gathering dust on your bookshelf, Forty Days of Yoga helps you work out why you’re not using them and shares tips and tricks for getting the most out of your yoga resources.