Pregnancy is a natural occurrence and it is not a given that women will be unwell. Yet if there are challenges, acupuncture could help with any ailments that may arise.
In the first trimester this could be a history of morning sickness, tiredness, early miscarriage or bleeding. In the second trimester constipation, fluid retention, headaches or lethargy and in the last trimester pubic discomfort, rib or back pain or a posterior baby position can be addressed. We can give you dietary and lifestyle suggestions throughout the pregnancy and for the post-natal period.
Acupuncture treatment can be very helpful to ease discomfort and make the journey of pregnancy a more enjoyable one.
A specific treatment is recommended around week 12 and 24, the transition between the second and third trimester which is often referred to as a “happy baby treatment.” From week 36-39, pre-birth acupuncture (ripening) is recommended to prepare for labour. Essentially this is preparing for a safe and efficient labour. Points used are on the shoulder, leg and hand and help to dilate the cervix, descend the foetus, and relax the pelvic tendons and muscles. When necessary, induction treatments are an option to try in the few days before a scheduled medical induction.
Acupressure (pressure using the thumb on acupuncture points) can be used for pain during labour (Hamidzadeh, 2012). Pressing one point on the hand for 20mins at the start of labour is shown to reduce the time of labour and the associated pain level. There is a collection of recommended points that can be learnt by you and your partner by private tuition (the cost of one acupuncture session) with Lorielle.
Lez & Lorielle have run a birth preparation course, Your Birth Blueprint. This one day workshop supports women and their partners to make informed decisions about birth intervention, based on credible, balanced, research and information. We are not currently offering this course in person.