When you come for a pre-birth acupuncture treatment, we will ask you questions about your general health, who your primary carer is and where you plan to birth.
We will discuss your care plan and who will look after you and your baby during your labour as well as in the post-partum period.
Along with health details, we look at your tongue and take your pulse and check in about your emotional health and well-being.
Having a baby can often change your family circumstances and, 99% of you seem to be renovating or moving house to nest properly before baby arrives! Okay – I’m kidding – yet it is very common to have big goals related to the home when preparing for baby’s arrival.
Pre-birth treatment is most often started from week 36/37 once a week yet frequency can increase once you get to 40 weeks if needed.
The treatment is often in a side lying position and most pins are in the arms, legs and lower back area depending on your situation. No pins are used on your abdomen area. We use acupuncture & moxibustion (heat treatment).
It is a good idea to wear loose comfortable clothing and to have had something to eat and drink beforehand.
We follow Debra Betts guidelines for birth preparation supporting an efficient birth through these 3 key areas:
- Relaxed tendons/ligaments
- Soften the cervix
- Ensure baby is in a good position
Women often comment that the treatment is relaxing which is a great side benefit given those last few weeks and if there is any stress regarding your birth plan.
Acupressure for your partner/support person can also be taught in these sessions so chat to your practitioner regarding when a good time for them to come in is.